Construction Consulting Services
Synergy offer a wide range of Construction Consulting Services that are applicable to almost all projects. It is our belief that early engagement with Clients and the development of a project brief and procurement strategy is key to its success.
Our full list of Consultancy Services is shown below but we predominantly provide Project Management, Contract Administration and Cost Management.
Synergy have also completed numerous Construction Management commissions where we are Principal Contractor and our site based team directly manages and delivers the works of Trade Contractors of behalf of the Client, on a fee basis.
In recent years our experience as Principal Contractor’s has evolved into the provision of a flexible contracting service by our building division, offering fixed price to prime cost reimbursable (offering full cost transparency).
our services
Utilising our team’s experience we offer the following services to assist in the successful delivery of projects:
Construction Delivery Services
Construction Management
Management Contract
Prime Cost Reimbursable Contract
Traditional Contracting
Consulting Services
Project Management
Contract Administration
Cost Management / QS
Employers Agent
Programme Management
Procurement Strategy and Advice
Party Wall Appointment Advice
Development Appraisals
Clients Representative
Basement Appraisals